Monday, April 14, 2014

Chapter 10 Post

There was one concept in this chapter that I really disagreed with, that idea that business and professional ethics go beyond good manners.  I understand the idea that everyones good is totally different, and do not value the same things.  But even with that a core tenant to most peoples good is a tolerance of other ideas, especially in business.  Also I think that manners just like most things in this class depend on the context and setting in which one is placed.  So ones manners will change just like we change many things based on the context. So like one would not actively offend a person at home they would not do it in business.  That being said manners become important in business since the good becomes a continued relationship and not

1 comment:

  1. What is your opinion on offending people on purpose with the intention have them learn something and in turn possibly learning something oneself? Sometimes (and it might just be my definition of good in business ethics) it is important to get someone outside of their comfort zone and have them think a little, whether it be your boss, co-worker, or even your own family member. I am not saying go out and have an argument for the sole purpose of saying it in their face but just having an opinion about it the contradicts or challenges another persons beliefs or thoughts.
