Chapter ten docent start out like most other chapters, with an explicit definition of business and professional communication ethics. It instead it starts with a quote from the book Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies stating, "have a plan and be ready to change it the very moment that plan no longer meets necessary objectives and goals." This quote really stood out as far as relative information goes. The chapter breaks down into three main sections of business and professional communications, the dialectic or direction and change, and public testing. Business and professional communications is defined by participation in the public square of competitive economic exchange. It works at the micro level of organizational action. The dialectic of direction and change was defined as willingness to follow a particular path with courage to move in a different direction when necessary. This definition hit home to me because in almost all business settings, or institutions the need for change is a must.
For example one of the slogans of Comcast is, "it's always changing." Every since I began working for this company the one thing that I can remember being said over and over again, is that I should never get to comfortable with the way things are because Comcast is always changing. This part of the chapter relates to the initial quote from the beginning of the chapter. The last part of the chapter on public testing wasn't as clear, but I figured it to be the reasons for why a company would change. The chapter compares businesses with a sports team, referencing how year after year sports team have to go in front of the pubic and make necessary changes to be victorious at the end of the day. A business would do this by making the necessary changes to remain a favorite to the public, because without them the company will surely die.
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