Reading Chapter 7, I realize that I will want to change up my paper a little bit and tweak it here and there to emphasize interpersonal communication a lot more. I am not sure as to whether why I was able to read the chapter with much more ease than others but I think it was pretty cool.
Interpersonal communication usually is associated with things between two lovers and such. That is not always the case (though it is something that I am going to write my paper on). It can be between siblings, colleagues, teachers, parents, and even strangers; there are just varying stages of communication according to my interpersonal communication class. It is about maintaining the good of the relationship that one is in (123). Building the relationship, strengthening it, and constantly maintaining it. Those are all aspects of interpersonal communication.
On page 124, I liked the distance analogy. Where we have an object so close that it becomes blurry or if it's too far we also lose focus. Just like relationships. A lot of the time we need to take a step back from a others or another just to take a breather and see what that relationship is without super closeness of discussions and possibly even physical closeness. When a relationship is on the verge of being negative or harmful, it is best not to continue the relationship. That may not always be the case though, I also believe that with distance, some form of agreed upon relationship can exist. It may not be the best, but it is something. For example, when two people break-up but still want to remain friends (the cliche of most break-ups) it may be best not to see each other as most friends would. A hello-and-goodbye conversation would suffice, I think, I may be wrong but I think that anything more would be harmful to the individuals. Time spent together as they have done in the past wouldn't feel the same, without being able to do/talk about the stuff they had before they broke up.
The responsibility is to want the best for each other. And knowing that doing stuff just like they had done before they broke up would be painful since they are no longer together romantically. Just saying. It is different for everyone, and just throwing it out there it would be tough for me to be hanging out with a person that I have dated for a long time and then all of a sudden just be "normal" friends.
Interpersonal communication has its ups and downs and things to figure out, like interpersonal relationships with our significant others. I posted on this topic just because it is kind of what I will be writing my paper on. And interpersonal relationships are really fun to look at and learn about.
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