Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why scientists say we shouldn't trust the FDA

I thought this article was interesting considering our discussion today about the FDA.


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  2. This is such a difficult subject to discuss because I feel that we (as the public) are not getting the full story. Because the FDA is regulated by the government, and because of the government's history, its a challenge to believe everything you hear. Just because the FDA says that it is ok, doesn't mean that it is. For example, there is evidence that GMO's can cause illness, disease, and cancer, however, it remains a top ingredient in the many foods that are regulated by the FDA. I find that to be completely unethical as there are many people that do believe that the FDA has their best interest in mind when that may not be the case. So I do agree when scientists say that we shouldn't trust the FDA because there is too much money involved and chaotic politics that unfortunately rule our food. Now, that being said, we as consumers, still have the final say in what we put into our bodies.

    It is sad to say that the FDA cannot be trusted, but at least we can trust ourselves and make the right decisions based on our own research and evidence. Its just a matter of taking the time to investigate and I feel that it will be worth it in the end.

  3. I totally agree w/ Tiffany. These topics are always so skewed because of what they really want to tell the public, or even other government organizations. They may not be allowed to even tell the media exactly what they're thinking about this topic or how their regulations work; it could be unethical for them and their policies. But, I had to stop and wonder if it is unethical for them to not inform us about many of their controversial topics with their administration. For example, eating something that is supposed to be regulated and getting sick from it, when we were told that it was safe, is completely unethical.

    It is sad that we have to do so much research on, but that is what is required of us as educated citizens. I think that we need to take responsibility for ourselves and not just depend on the government for some of our needs. This article could be applied to so many different controversial topics, like healthcare. It is such a blurry line as to what is trying to promote for the good, and that makes this piece so relevant today.
